Why the Healthcare Sector Should Adopt Air Purification Solutions

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Hospitals and nursing homes often suffer from chemical odor problems and improper ventilation. Odors are usually generated due to medical treatments and the general nature of care work, but exposing staff and patients to such unpleasant smells is dangerous. Hospitals and nursing homes need to use air purification services or air purifiers for the safety of the employees, patients, and visitors.

Euromate Pure Air Solution for the Healthcare sector

Euromate Pure Air provides the VisionAir Blue Line air cleaner as the recommended solution for the Healthcare sector. You can use this air cleaner widely due to its unique filter combinations, and it can be installed on a ceiling or a wall or can remain on a mobile stand for the versatility of location. 

How Does It Work

The air cleaner and purifier deal with fine dust and nasty smells by drawing the air in and filtering it using the CarbonMax filter. The CarbonMax filter contains carbon that absorbs gases and odors, filters it, and then blows pollutant-free air back into the room. 

Benefits of Air Purifiers in the Health Sector

This air cleaner provides a healthy supply of fresh air and a pleasant working environment. Clean Air will decrease fatigue symptoms in the staff, increase productivity and decrease employee absenteeism.

  • Air cleaners will remove unpleasant odours and dust particles.
  • Clean air will make your HVAC system Energy-efficient and its heating and cooling air is distributed better.
  • Clean air may eliminate headaches, concentration problems, fatigue, throat and nose irritation, and many other complaints from patients and staff.

More Information:

Feel free to contact us if you need more information.

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family enjoying with Euromate Pure air purifier installed

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