We breathe normally in the air, thinking it is safe and reasonably clean. However, we don’t realize that the air we breathe is everything but clean. Indoor air contains different pollutants that are not visible to the naked eye.
Moreover, in the warmer months, we tend to open windows which is partially the reason our indoor air becomes contaminated with new pollutants.
Do you know that opening windows can make way for 50% more particulate matter in indoor spaces leading to a greater combination of indoor and outdoor pollutants? In such a case, clean air is not an option anymore but a necessity for a safe environment and better health.
The hygiene and cleanliness of indoor air have become even more significant after the pandemic. Several research studies made a breakthrough, stating that the novel coronavirus is airborne, which means that it travels in the air and becomes suspended for hours if not ventilated properly.
This makes clean air a substantial issue for residents, employees, and industry workers.
What Contaminates Indoor Air?
There are a lot of basic things we unknowingly do in our daily routine that contaminate the air. For instance, we use cleaners and disinfectants intending to sterilize the space, but how many of you know that these products release volatile organic compounds.
Not only that, but multiple office-use products also emit these compounds, such as printers, paints, carbon papers, and pesticides. VOCs are human-made and emitted into the air in liquid or gas form.
The presence of volatile organic compounds is relatively higher indoors. A study by the Environmental Protection Agency’s TEAM revealed that homes have up to 5 times higher presence of about a dozen organic pollutants regardless of their urban or rural locality.
Therefore, higher concentrations can pose adverse health impacts, such as shortness of breath, dizziness, and allergies.
Another unintentional thing we do is open our windows to ventilate the space. The primary objective is to let fresh air exchange with the stale air inside, but is it really good enough to inhale?
We have talked about it multiple times that it is not. It is, however, far from fresh. Outdoor air has its own set of pollutants and toxic chemicals that can further degrade your room.
Opening it for the sake of air will only put you in a more polluted environment, specifically for those who are vulnerable or already sick.
How to Keep Indoor Air Clean?
You disinfect the space, clean your surfaces and floor with an anti-bacterial cleaner, and dust your furniture. You do everything to make your place welcoming and clean, but the question is, would all of it suffice? We are afraid, no.
Air purifiers are the ultimate solution to cleaning your indoor air and making it safe from bacteria and viruses such as Coronavirus.
A high-efficiency air purifier in your room not only extracts air pollutants from the environment but also provides better health outcomes for everyone, such as the minimized risk of sickness and sick building syndrome, allergies, and better cognitive responses. In offices, it comes with its own set of benefits, as it leads to a decrease in absenteeism and maintenance, cleaning, and medical costs.
Which Air Purifier Should You Consider Buying
With many options available on the market, it is hard to decipher which products are medical grade and will prove true to what they claim. We suggest doing your research and knowing what your organization needs to keep your patrons safe.
Here few things you should always look for:
- The HEPA filter. It stands for High-Efficiency Particulate Air [filter], and it is known to be the most important component for it features higher extraction efficiency. According to several research studies published post-pandemic, HEPA is also highly recommended to reduce the risk of virus transmission, as it removes airborne viruses with 97 percent efficiency. Also, it removes particles of sizes as small as 0.3 microns.
- The number of air changes per hour. Air filters with a higher air exchange rate mean they change air multiple times in an hour. An ideal air change per hour is 5 to 6 times, as it ensures a consistent flow of fresh air into the room and extraction of pollutants six times in an hour.
- Square footage. Checking how far this unit can cover in square footage or meterage is important for ensuring it can properly purify and ventilate your space.
- Noise levels
Enjoy Clean Air with Euromate Pure Air
Euromate Pure Air has a wide range of air purifiers suited for homes, offices, schools, healthcare facilities, and even industries. They feature HEPA filters and give multiple air exchanges in an hour for maximum efficiency.
All our air purifiers are known to remove even the smallest particles with noise-less operations and efficient functionality. For more information, contact us today.