Royal Brinkman exterior picture

Established in 1954, CHEP provides pallet and container pooling services. They are a global market leader with over 300 million pallets, crates and containers in use by their customers’ supply chains and therefore meeting the needs of large industries.



One of CHEP’S 1100 locations is in Bornem, Belgium. With over half a million pallets being delivered and collected there every year, a continuous stream of about 15,000 pallets return every day and are inspected for damage. Damaged pallets will then continue to the repair department, where they are sawn and nailed to be restored. The plant manager at Chep Bornem, explains: ‘Dust is created during the repair work, as well as every time the pallets are moved…Chep places great importance on the health and well-being of employees, and through regular measurements we found that there are high concentrations of dust in the working environment.’ Euromate wanted to solve this problem. The approach was to filter as much fine dust from the air as possible through vacuuming and wet cleaning, however the results showed only a 30% dust reduction, failing to reach their intended target. 


 As the initial measures taken by Chep did not reach their intended goal, they contacted Euromate. Following a professional analysis, the recommended pathways to install industrial air cleaners with electrostatic filter and bag filter. Chep saw many improvements including an improved working environment for their employees, reduction in cleaning costs of their hall and increase in product quality. As a result, Chep entered a service contract with Euromate, where there are scheduled service visits in which the filters are changed and the unit is cleaned, allowing employees to continue working in a pleasant and healthy environment.




 7x HFE-50 with bag filter. 

Maintenance: 4 times a year.

Euromate Pure Air's air purifier installed in a company
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