Machine Construction

Activities such as cutting, grinding, sanding, and welding of metal parts are common in the machine-building sector. These activities result in metal dust, metal vapours or welding fumes which are poisonous and extremely harmful to the health (can cause allergies, lung disease and cancer). Source extraction is usually inadequate, and as a result, these poisonous substances remain in the air within the production hall. Therefore, dust extraction in machine construction is essential.

Reduces wood dust by over 90%.

Lower cleaning costs

No more nuisance from unpleasant odours

Healthy supply of fresh air

A versatile dust extractor

Especially for the machine construction sector, Euromate has designed the HF Industrial Aircleaner. These dust extractors have a competitive edge over others because they are not connected to the central dust extraction. They are plug-and-play units that draw in the air, filter it and blow the cleaned air back into the workplace.


Suggested Products

HF Industrial Air Cleaner - High-performance air purifier for dust mites

HF Industrial Air Cleaner

Removes (fine)dust, smoke and oil particles in industrial buildings.

Clean Your Indoor Air Today!

Clean Your Indoor Air Today!

family enjoying with Euromate Pure air purifier installed

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Client Testimonials

“We are delighted with the extraction systems from Euromate. The extraction units are suspended from the ceiling and have achieved a considerable reduction in air pollutants.”

“Our colleagues think that the air cleaners are excellent!”

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