Dangers of High CO2 Level Indoors

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We often underestimate the dangers of high carbon dioxide levels when it comes to indoor air quality. There is ample body of research on other pollutants; however, studies on the effects of CO2 on the occupants of a building are limited. Some evidence proves that levels of CO2 found in classrooms, bedrooms and workplaces negatively impact human health.

Global organizations like the Centre for Disease Control (CDC) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) have revealed sufficient data to support the long-term negative impacts on humans exposed to higher carbon dioxide levels.

Before diving into the basics, let us first discuss carbon dioxide.

What is Co2?

Carbon dioxide is a colourless gas with a sharp odour and sour taste. It is a greenhouse gas that is released from burning fossil fuels. Since the beginning of the industrial era in the 18th century, atmospheric carbon dioxide levels have risen by 50 per cent due to human activities.

Why is it important to measure CO2 indoors?

Have you ever felt dizzy at your workplace? Do you always feel the need to energize things with coffee so you can concentrate a little better? Do you feel low on energy even when you have a full stomach? Well, the chances are your workplace has higher levels of CO2.

A research study found that the concentration of carbon dioxide is higher in the indoor environment because people exhale the gas because of a natural process. People experience different symptoms, such as nausea, fatigue and lack of concentration, when exposed to higher CO2 levels. Other reasons that signify the importance of measuring CO2 levels inside buildings are stated below:

CO2 is Dangerous

Higher concentrations of carbon dioxide are dangerous. A research study by a scientist revealed that human breath comprises 30,000 ppm of carbon dioxide, and indoor levels of CO2 exceeding 20,000 ppm can result in panting; more than 100,000 ppm can cause concentration loss, and above 250,000 ppm can be fatal.

CO2 Spreads Rapidly

A general finding suggests that CO2 increases rapidly in spaces with a higher number of occupants. Consequently, the higher the concentration of CO2, the worse the indoor air quality is. Spaces like gyms, shopping centres and libraries are notorious for having higher carbon dioxide concentrations due to the number of occupants.

CO2 Declines Productivity

A range of between 1000 ppm and 2500 ppm is found in classrooms and workplaces. Human exposure to such elevated levels leads to a decrease in concentration, decision-making abilities and performance. Exposure to concentrations of 2500 ppm is found to have a significant impact on decision-making performance.

CO2 Sensors to Measure Indoor Levels

CO2 sensors or monitors ensure the health and safety of occupants in a building with elevated levels. Euromate Pure Air has a portable CO2 monitor for optimum safety. It shows real-time indoor air quality data and features 5-in-1 functions (CO2, HCHO, PM1.0, PM2.5 and PM10). It also comes with an infrared sensor that ensures constant updates without any influence of oxygen on the data. Featuring a sleek, modern and intuitive design, Euromate’s AirBox has measurement sensitivity that can detect smaller particles.

Importance of a CO2 Sensor

  • CO2 sensors issue early warning, allowing people to take immediate actions and prevent negative impacts.
  • CO2 monitors also ensure that ventilation systems are working efficiently.
  • They indicate the overall quality of your indoor environment, including the presence of harmful contaminants and pollutants. A CO2 monitor allows individuals to prompt actions that lead them to the cause of poor indoor air quality.

For more information on Air-Box, contact Euromate Pure Air.

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