CO2 Monitor – A Visual Description of Indoor Air Quality
Co2 monitors were not common before the emergence of COVID-19. However, a few days in the second quarter of 2019, when the pandemic struck the globe, indoor air quality became the talk of the town. The reason was the transmission of the virus through the air.
Since then, corporate and residential sectors started installing them to assess indoor air quality. Moreover, familiarity also rose due to a gradual but significant increase in carbon dioxide levels in the past 50 years.
According to sources, since the 18th century, the levels have been raised by 50 per cent, which is now 150 per cent greater than the amount recorded in 1750. With levels constantly rising at a rapid rate, monitoring of co2 levels is more crucial than ever.
What is Carbon Dioxide, and how Dangerous can it be?
CO2 is a colourless and odourless gas and is commonly present in soft drinks in the form of bubbles. It is a primary carbon source on Earth and also a greenhouse gas.
Previously, scientists considered it a harmless gas due to its properties until they discovered its adverse effects when exposed to higher concentrations. The level of co2 primarily depends on human exhale.
Therefore, the more occupants are present in a room, the higher the concentration is. As a result, it can degrade your indoor air quality.
Here, the question arises, what do the general air quality guidelines suggest? According to guidelines, indoor air should not have more than 650ppm of co2.
However, considering the presence of other pollutants, it is recommended that levels should remain under 1000 ppm.
The following table describes the impact of higher concentrations on the human body.
1000-2000 ppm | Drowsiness |
2000-5000 ppm | Sleep deprivation, headaches and concentration loss |
10,000 ppm | Unconsciousness and tremor |
Above 15,000 ppm | Panting, loss of oxygen from bloodstreams |
40,000 ppm and above | Death or severe medical conditions |
Benefits of Co2 Monitoring
Prevent Exposure to High Co2 Concentrations
As higher, or even moderate, concentrations of carbon dioxide can be life-threatening, using a co2 monitor is fundamental because it detects higher levels. As a result, businesses and homeowners can increase ventilation to dilute concentrations and purify the air.
Improves Cognition
Co2 can impact brain functioning. Symptoms can range from a headache to loss of concentration and poor cognition. Students and office workers are usually at a higher risk of exposure to concentrations above 2500 parts per million, which is concerning. In this case, installing a co2 monitor plays a crucial role in alarming the management of schools and offices when levels rise.
Reduces the Risk of Virus Transmission
A co2 monitor visualizes the data based on the ventilation standard of a room. The less the ventilation measures, the higher the risk of virus transmission. In poorly-ventilated rooms, airborne bacteria and viruses remain in the room for hours, which increases the risk of infection. A carbon dioxide monitor allows the identification of poor ventilation areas and motivates us to take necessary measures.
Features of a Carbon Dioxide Monitor
Many brands have their co2 monitors on the market, with Euromate Pure Air being of them. Unlike other manufacturers, our monitor features a multi-detection function that also detects HCHO and particulate matter 1.0, 2.5 and 10. Its features are:
- 16-bit full HD resolution
- Colored labelling for easier identification
- Contemporary and sleek design
- Portable and lightweight
- Data updated every second
- High measurement sensitivity
- Easy tracking with its mobile app
Should you have any queries regarding the Air-Box, hit us up or call on the given number to get in touch with our indoor air quality expert.