Top Health Benefits of Air Purifiers vs. Dehumidifiers: A Side-by-Side Comparison

air purifier vs dehumidifier

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Indoor air quality is a crucial factor in creating a healthier environment. Many people are often confused between an air purifier and a dehumidifier when it comes to achieving the best quality of indoor air. A common misconception is that both appliances serve the same purpose, but they do not. Each serves a different purpose with unique health benefits.

This blog post is designed for those who are unsure where to begin when it comes to maintaining a clean and healthy indoor space. Let’s delve into air purifiers and dehumidifiers: what they are, what they do, and the health benefits they provide.

Air Purifiers vs Dehumidifiers – The Basics

Air purifiers are air-cleaning devices designed to capture airborne particles such as viruses, bacteria, pollen, pet dander, and dust, helping to maintain healthy indoor environments. Many air purifiers on the market are equipped with HEPA filters, activated carbon filters, and UV light to remove harmful contaminants, gases, odours, and airborne bacteria. These devices are widely used in households, commercial spaces, and industrial settings to protect people and ensure a high-quality environment.

In contrast, dehumidifiers absorb excess moisture from the environment, preventing mould growth and maintaining optimal humidity levels. They are particularly suitable for spaces with damp weather conditions or rooms with poor or no ventilation, such as bathrooms and basements.

Different Types of Air Purifiers

The market is flooded with many air purifiers, each boasting different features. However, all air purifiers serve the same purpose – to clean indoor air. They capture pollutants and pass them through a filter, recirculating fresh, filtered air back into the room. This blog post discusses three types of air purifiers: HEPA, carbon, and UV light purifiers.

HEPA Air Purifiers

HEPA stands for High-Efficiency Particulate Air filters, and these are commonly used filters in air cleaners. These filters are known for their 99.97% removal efficiency, meaning they capture particles as small as 0.3 microns in diameter. As such, HEPA filters efficiently remove suspended aerosols, bacteria, and viruses from indoor spaces.

Activated Carbon Filter Purifiers

Air purifiers with activated carbon filters help purify indoor air by removing pollutants, gases, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and toxic odours This is particularly beneficial for highly susceptible individuals, such as asthma patients and the elderly.

UVC Air Purifiers

UVC air purifiers use UV light technology to capture bacteria and virus particles and pass them through a filter. However, evidence suggests HEPA filters are more effective than UVC air purifiers. Additionally, UVC filters are not known to capture volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from the air.

Portable air purifier Australia by Euromate Pure Air showcased in a stylish office.

Different Types of Dehumidifiers

The market offers two main types of dehumidifiers, each with its method of moisture absorption: desiccant and refrigerant. Let’s explore the difference between both.

Desiccant Dehumidifier

Desiccant dehumidifiers use a substance (desiccant) to absorb moisture from the indoor air. They utilize the adsorption properties of a rotating desiccant wheel. The dehumidifier draws in air, passes it through the wheel, and the desiccant absorbs the moisture. The dried air is then blown back into the space.

Refrigerant Dehumidifier

A refrigerant dehumidifier features a compact refrigeration system, an air circulation fan, and a refrigeration circuit. These dehumidifiers are energy-efficient and are one of the most effective methods for controlling humidity. They function by drawing humid air from the indoor space and passing it over the evaporator coil. Refrigerant dehumidifiers are available in both wall-mounted and floor-mounted versions.

Air Purifiers vs Dehumidifiers – How They Impact Human Health

Air Purifiers


What’s Better to Consider?

While dehumidifiers target humidity levels, air purifiers are more versatile because they address various pollutants, including suspended aerosols, gases, and odours.

Dehumidifiers can also be noisy and consume more energy, making air purifiers the better choice for cleaner indoor air. You only need to purchase an air purifier once and bear the cost of filter replacements twice a year.

Euromate Pure Air offers the next generation of air cleaners that capture all impurities and toxic chemicals from the environment. Our air cleaners feature HEPA, activated carbon, and UV filters to target specific pollutants. We also offer portable versions for added convenience.

Visit our website for more information, or email us to book a consultation with one of our top-notch indoor air quality experts.

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